Time for a redesign

Does the day end in a Y if a designer doesn’t want to redesign their site?

I’ve got a bit of a hodgepodge of personal content and also tech stuff dotted around the internet and I feel like I need to bring it all together. Mainly:

I also don’t like the look and feel of any of it anymore. Especially, Piccalilli which feels really fucken dated now.

Tech-wise, I really like using WordPress as a CMS but find working on the front-end cumbersome. I’ll probably try and wire it up with a fresh install of Eleventy. I think I might also move from a Notion-powered music collection to a WordPress powered one too. It’ll be nice to own that, just like I own the music I collect.

Lastly, content. There’s bloody loads and it’s a mess. I think Piccalilli needs to go now, so I’ll move that content here and possibly a bit over to my agency’s new site (when it finally gets finished). It’ll be nice to have it all organised and up to date.

Then who knows, I might actually start writing again. I’m bursting with content ideas at the moment, but just don’t want to publish on sites I don’t like anymore (he says publishing a post on this site).

Keep your eyes peeled etc.

👋 Hello, I’m Andy and this is my little home on the web.

I’m the founder of Set Studio, a creative agency that specialises in building stunning websites that work for everyone and Piccalilli, a publication that will level you up as a front-end developer.

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